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  1. meetdilip

    Moving domains...

    Something in the config file. It's been a while. I was so worried and was not able to locate the error.
  2. meetdilip

    Moving domains...

    Moving domains, yes. Have made small mistakes and paid the price. Luckily sorted it somehow. Big errors are easy to spot, small ones are not.
  3. meetdilip

    Technology JWeb Bytes

    Looks nice. Articles are not generic, that is a plus. The logo have a strange contrast with the rest of the colours.
  4. meetdilip

    Best WordPress Alternative?

    These are the system requirements for self hosting
  5. meetdilip

    Best WordPress Alternative?

    Thanks @JWeb
  6. meetdilip

    Best WordPress Alternative?

    Do they have GitHub repo? Link please..
  7. meetdilip

    Best WordPress Alternative?

    Not free when the last time I checked.
  8. meetdilip

    Blog Categories

    I do not always plan them. The general approach is to add where required.
  9. meetdilip

    Best WordPress Alternative?

    Ghost is what everyone recommends when people ask for a WordPress alternative.
  10. meetdilip

    Where do you get your blog images?

    I create them whenever I can. This is not always good because it takes time, a less attractive image and a lot of work, either one or a combination of all 3. But it is easier and comfortable that way as a blogger.
  11. meetdilip

    Could you write a daily blog post for more than a decade?

    Did he really??? Some people are beyond imagination..
  12. meetdilip

    Best WordPress Alternative?

    WordPress is a FOSS. Let us assume nothing goes wrong to that protection.
  13. meetdilip

    Marketing a Brand New Blog!

    I agree. Google is aggressively dealing with this issue. It is already bad SEO.
  14. meetdilip

    Best WordPress Alternative?

    I have been looking for this for years now. I never found one. WordPress is unique and comfortable in many ways. There is no effective replacement as of now.
  15. meetdilip

    Marketing a Brand New Blog!

    The most successful method I have seen is to spam everywhere with those links.I hate it, but those who do reap good results.
  16. meetdilip

    Content First, Blog Later?

    A good idea. I never tried it that way. I have two approaches. One, I get professional, work on keywords and create blogs. Two, I blog when I get a topic to talk about.
  17. meetdilip

    Should you space out the publication of your articles?

    I am glad you were able to do that effectively. I like to go minimal with my favourites. Never pushed the boundaries. But as they say, love what you do and you will never have work a day in your life.
  18. meetdilip

    Hi everyone!

    Hi @JWeb welcome :) Feel free to ping me anytime if you need help. 👍
  19. meetdilip

    Should you space out the publication of your articles?

    Hobbies become boring if we do it daily. It works great when it is done in free time ;) Imagine writing 3k words for our needs, but as a job, it's not that interesting.
  20. meetdilip

    Is blogging dead?

    Sounds like easy money to me ;) I get fewer results from forums these days. What replaced it?