Should you space out the publication of your articles?


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Is it beneficial to stagger the publication of your articles?

For example, if you have five completed articles, should you post one each day for five days, publish them all at once, or does the timing not make a difference?

Some bloggers think they should space articles out. However, I believe you should try to publish as many articles as you can per day, especially if you’re a newbie blogger and just starting out.

But what do you guys think? Is it better to post multiple blog posts per day or a few articles per week?
My entirely unscientific approach is to put as much content out as possible initially in order to please the search engine gods. And then, when established settle into a routine so that readers know when you're going to post new content.
I would personally publish them all at once. There is no real benefit in spreading them. The sooner they're picked up by crawlers, the better.
Is it beneficial to stagger the publication of your articles?

For example, if you have five completed articles, should you post one each day for five days, publish them all at once, or does the timing not make a difference?

Some bloggers think they should space articles out. However, I believe you should try to publish as many articles as you can per day, especially if you’re a newbie blogger and just starting out.

But what do you guys think? Is it better to post multiple blog posts per day or a few articles per week?
I feel a follow-up question of "How consistent do you plan to be?" is needed.

Posting one each day will definitely do you well in terms of content crawling and SEO.

However, will you be able to post every day? Or every weekday? If you can do that without becoming overwhelmed, then you should try it.

I post once a week, but my posts are usually 1,500 to 15,000 words long.

Consistency is important. Google wants you to be consistent but the biggest thing is people who read your content need you to be consistent. They know I post every Wednesday at 10:00 AM CST. They know and trust me when I have new content available. If I post randomly or in a strange pattern, they won't be able to get used to it. It's the same with having a YouTube channel. The algorithm looks for consistency.
If you're doing an article of 500 words, one daily would be enough for me. Any more and you could cause burnout with your readers
And 500 words is actually difficult to make successful.

1,000 to 1,500 words is really where you want to be. Blogging is about long form content. Most of the page one blog posts are over 3,000 words. Long form still rules non-media search results.

500 words is typically not enough to add high amounts of value.

That's why I'm not an every day blogger. I have to have posts at least 1,500 words and I wouldn't be able to do that on a daily basis.
The kind of content I handle, smaller posts works well.

I agree. If you are going to write a 3k word blog every day, you will definitely end up with a doctor in no time.
I could only do that daily if that was my day job.

I'd love to blog full-time at some point.

I blogs on two blogs for 110 days straight once. Now it was Seth Godin style, some of the posts were about a paragraph in length but it was more about the challenge than anything else.

If I had the time, blogging every day would be awesome.

But in all reality, I do way too much to make that possible. LOL.
Hobbies become boring if we do it daily. It works great when it is done in free time ;)

Imagine writing 3k words for our needs, but as a job, it's not that interesting.
Hobbies become boring if we do it daily. It works great when it is done in free time ;)

Imagine writing 3k words for our needs, but as a job, it's not that interesting.
I don't entirely agree with that.

If it's a passion, it's harder to get bored of.

Hiking is a big passion of mine. I can do it every day. I do it most days. It's also my biggest paying gig online. Working on year 8 now!
I am glad you were able to do that effectively.

I like to go minimal with my favourites. Never pushed the boundaries. But as they say, love what you do and you will never have work a day in your life.
I am glad you were able to do that effectively.

I like to go minimal with my favourites. Never pushed the boundaries. But as they say, love what you do and you will never have work a day in your life.
I working on making what I do my work. I'd love to travel around hiking and biking and get paid for it or for things I do that are associated with it.

I don't need to be rich, either.

As long as I can support me and my family and we can keep doing the outdoor thing, that's a happy life we would love to have.
Since my goal is to normally do 10 articles a month, I normally have to stagger them out anyway to cover the whole month.

Plus, I normally write on my days off and my days off are spread out most of the time anyway.