Eat Sleep Game Repeat

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512.jpgSignificant amounts of blood, sweat, tears, passionate outbursts, and the occasional expletive have been poured into the creation of this. It's the gateway to a new gaming sanctuary: Eat Sleep Game Repeat - Gaming News - Reviews - Guides - Community - Merch

What do you think?
This is an awesome-looking blog! Looking at it, I see a professional gaming news and media company, to be honest. I think you can compete with a look and feel like that. :)

Great job!
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We have stuck a small forum behind the blog. It seems like a good way to establish loyalty to the site. It’s at a diff URL; I don’t know why other than I liked it:

Eventually the styles will be unified and we have someone working on a wp2xf plug in which will not only send new blog posts to the forum as new threads (excerpt, featured image, link) but also eventually push thread replies to the blog post and blog post replies to the thread. V 1.0 is almost ready.

At least that’s the plan anyway. I did consider the potential impact of duplicate content on search engine rankings but figured I can handle that with a stunning social media presence.
Fabulous looking site. Great job.

Onsite, you are set.

What are you doing offsite to drive high quality, laser-pinpointed targeted onsite my friend?
What are you doing offsite to drive high quality, laser-pinpointed targeted onsite my friend?
Therein lies the million dollar question, and explains my presence on these very boards to converse with subject matter experts such as yourself and @Shawn Gossman .

1697043673754.pngWe have been 'open' since 25th of September. Some of the content precedes that date as it was merged in from two other blogs that my partner and I started before choosing to join forces. Currently, there is very little strategy in our strategy.

The main focus is generating a solid basis of content to be indexed by search engines. I'm conscious that terms such as 'gaming news' will be difficult to rank as it's a crowded niche. I'm using "The SEO Framework" plugin to assist with making posts as desirable as possible. I've used Google Sitekit to submit the site to Google and manually submitted the sitemap to Bing. As far as onsite goes, I'm not sure there is much more I can do.

Offsite, social media is going to be the biggest source of traffic. Currently, most of that is from Facebook, but I also have a Twitter account and, well, here's a list:

I've not yet had the time to invest in making my social media pop. I'm am mindful that Twitter/X will be a good source and I've taken Shawn's wise words onboard and I'm not just posting links. I want to take some time to build a following/relationships. I've avoided paying for advertising.

I've tried to ensure that my social media format is on point. The SEO Framework has been really good for that:


But I'm here to learn. Any suggestions greatly received.
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Looking good so far from what you have shared.

I feel like you are definitely on the right track with your FB update above; looks great. Ditto for following Shawn's advice.

Simply hanging where your readers are on social, sharing mainly text-only updates and engaging, listening and bonding works fabulously over the long haul.

In truth, Shawn invited me here based on our Twitter chats, in part.

Helping and chatting with folks from your specific blogging niche opens so many prospering doors.
I've made a start on YouTube videos now. Initially, it will be game trailers but then we plan to do gameplay walkthroughs, guides, maybe reviews, casts, streams etc. Here's the first couple I put together:

I personally like when blogs & forums go together. You can have the best of both worlds. Smaller discussions in the forum but more detailed ones commenting on blog posts.
Best of luck :)
A lot has happened since my last update here. Eat Sleep Game Repeat continues to pump out content. We're now sitting on 280 gaming related posts. The forum has taken a back seat and I am actually considering whether to keep it running or just close it and focus on the blog side of things. We have had a redesign making the experience a little simpler and easier to navigate. I'd love any feedback that you guys would like to provide.

I am still waiting for things to "take off". This is an incredibly competitive niche - I knew that going in. I don't think I have attracted even a single loyal visitor, yet get the odd visit from search engine traffic. I want to take things to the next level with promotion but don't want to put money into advertising just yet (maybe one day).

Take a look. I'm interested in your feedback: Eat Sleep Game Repeat
I am still waiting for things to "take off". This is an incredibly competitive niche - I knew that going in.
I wonder if you could narrow down your niche to give yourself a better chance?
It looks great. I haven't played much games lately (especially newer ones), but I've played many older games so I've enjoyed reading about your experiences and thoughts on these.