
  1. Shawn Gossman

    How to Manage Blogging Alongside a Full-Time Job

    Many bloggers juggle their blogging efforts with a full-time job, which can be challenging but rewarding. Time management and organization are key to balancing both responsibilities effectively. Using tools like content calendars, setting specific goals, and creating a dedicated workspace can...
  2. Shawn Gossman

    Finding Time to Blog: Balancing Blogging with Life

    Balancing blogging with other responsibilities, such as work, family, and personal commitments, can be challenging. Effective time management and setting realistic goals are essential. Create a blogging schedule that fits your lifestyle and stick to it. Remember, it’s okay to take breaks and...
  3. Shawn Gossman

    Enhancing Your Blog with Visual Content

    Visual content, such as images, infographics, and videos, can significantly enhance your blog’s appeal and engagement. Visuals break up long blocks of text, making your posts more readable and shareable. They also help to illustrate points and can make complex information easier to understand...
  4. Shawn Gossman

    Enhancing Your Blog with Eye-Catching Visuals

    Visuals play a significant role in making your blog posts more engaging and shareable. High-quality images, infographics, and videos can break up text and make your content more appealing. They also help to illustrate points and provide additional value to your readers. What types of visuals do...
  5. Shawn Gossman

    Why Consistency is Key to Successful Blogging

    One of the biggest challenges bloggers faces is maintaining consistency. Regularly posting high-quality content keeps your audience engaged and helps improve your SEO rankings. Consistency also builds trust with your readers, showing them that they can rely on you for valuable information. How...
  6. Shawn Gossman

    General Blogging 10 Tips for Writing Better Blog Posts in 2024

    Writing better blog posts should be a long-term goal. The better your blog posts, the better your audience growth will be. The more readers you get, the better chance you'll have to monetize your blog. But if your content is bad or average, you're not going to see much change. Here are 10 tips...
  7. Shawn Gossman

    Are you happy with your blog?

    How do you feel about your blog at this point? Is it doing what you want it to do at this state? Or do you wish it was doing something different?
  8. Shawn Gossman

    What's the future of blogging?

    What do you think blogging will be like in the next 5 to 10 years? Do you feel that blogging will change at all? How about the overall look and feel of blogs? Do you think that will change or remain the same?
  9. Shawn Gossman

    What motivated you to start blogging?

    Why did you start blogging? I started way back before blogging was even a thing. I created my first HTML website and loved making content pages. I then started running forums using PhpBB. That was more than twenty years ago! When blogging came into the picture, I loved the idea of journaling...
  10. Shawn Gossman

    Vlogging vs. Blogging: Pros and Cons

    Have you done one or the other? Have you done both? What are your pros and cons of both? Which do you prefer and why?
  11. Shawn Gossman

    One blog, two blogs, or more?

    How many blogs do you run? How many of them are being actively run and posted on? Do you feel bloggers should just have one blog? Two blogs? How about three or more? Some bloggers feel that multiple blogs can open up multiple income streams. How do you feel about that?
  12. Shawn Gossman

    Help make Blogging Collective awesome!

    Howdy friends, Do you know a blogger? Yes? Can you do me a favor? Can you invite them to join our free community? It would mean the world to me! You can help this community grow! Please consider it. Join if you're not a member and invite a friend. Tell your friend to invite a friend and to...
  13. Shawn Gossman

    What's stopping you from becoming a full-time blogger?

    Are you scared of the risk it might require to be a full-time blogger? Do you not think you'll have the ability to make enough money to sustain yourself? If you truly desire to become a full-time blogger, why are you not yet a full-time blogger? What do you need help with?
  14. Shawn Gossman

    Best social media platform for blogging?

    What has worked and what has not worked in terms of social media platforms for blogging? How about to use the platform itself as a blogging platform? What about in terms of promoting your blog posts? What social media platforms have tried for your blogging efforts?
  15. Shawn Gossman

    Should you create a daily writing habit?

    Writing every day can result in you becoming a better writer and blogger. You don't necessarily have to publish a blog post every single day. But if you can -- you should! Seth Godin has been doing it every day for more than 10 years. Talk about discipline and knowledge. But just sitting...
  16. Shawn Gossman

    Is blogging dead?

    Some fear blogging is dead. They think AI has killed it. I ask how true that is? Really? I have a Paid ChatGPT account. I like AI and want to get good at using it. But I don't use it to research things I'm really interested in. I use Google and I click on links that go to articles. 90% of...
  17. Shawn Gossman

    Do you want to blog full-time?

    Blogging full-time would mean that you blog for a living. You'd blog as your main job and form of income. Most full-time bloggers do have to have one or even a few more supplemental income sources. Many of them have a product or service related to the niche of their blog or offer a paid...
  18. Shawn Gossman

    Monetization and Authenticity in Blogging

    How do you balance monetization efforts with maintaining the authenticity of your blog? Meaning... How do you profit from your blogging activities while still being authentic and not looking like someone who is just trying to make money? Running ads can often give viewers the wrong impression...