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  1. ryanbiddulph

    Guest Blogging Etiquette

    The one thought that really comes to mind Shawn is to help out successful bloggers in your niche in as many ways as possible and to ask nothing of them to gain their trust. Once you have their trust you will build strong relationships with these folks and as long as you're publishing solid...
  2. ryanbiddulph

    How do you find the time to write?

    I usually find myself writing all blogging day long in terms of publishing various length updates. I publish these to social media mainly. But I also give myself a number of hours once each week to write and publish a post to my blog just to keep the momentum going over there. Now it's all about...
  3. ryanbiddulph

    Best Practices for Engaging With Your Blog Audience

    You always pop up in my main Twitter stream, Shawn. This is where I find your tweets to retweet 'em. Whatever you are doing over there is working very well. Good job.
  4. ryanbiddulph

    Word of mouth

    This strategy works so well because fellow bloggers who dig your generosity promote your blog to their targeted audiences, expanding your reach and driving quality traffic to your blog exponentially.
  5. ryanbiddulph

    Quitting WordPress?

    Ditto. It is still top shelf and also, we are so familiar with it that it'd make sense to invest in it with some bucks.
  6. ryanbiddulph


    Not a bad idea Shawn. Just a few hours ago, my wife mentioned how one of her readers consistently gives her donations of 50 to 100 bucks. She's a professional blogger who runs a coaching business but is always open to money through various channels.
  7. ryanbiddulph

    Word of mouth

    These strategies can definitely get you some traction as a beginner blogger when you really fear getting yourself out there and want to stick to your comfort zone of familiar family and friends. After you've been blogging for a few months you will realize that your family and friends are...
  8. ryanbiddulph

    Biggest SEO tips?

    #2 puts your posts on page 1 before any other factor. I never optimize because I receive a heavy volume of targeted traffic through many quality sources and still rank some posts on page 1, position 1. Google loves detailed, practical, thorough resources before anything else.
  9. ryanbiddulph

    Do you plan to blog more often?

    I'm in the sweet spot of publishing 1 blog post weekly then publishing content to targeted social media groups and forums to draw targeted readers to my blog. Like coasting down a hill on a mountain bike, momentum building, it is my job now, and it is getting easier and easier. That is subject...
  10. ryanbiddulph

    Blogging inspiration

    Sure thing. I'll share Groups where: - I'm getting Likes and comments - group members are asking me questions via comments and messenger - group members are visiting Blogging From Paradise, reading my blog posts, buying my eBooks, etc Note guys; I did not set up anchor text but ***every...
  11. ryanbiddulph

    Do you build a community on social media?

    Fabulous job on FB too. Excellent.
  12. ryanbiddulph

    Trading Quality Comments

    Hi Shawn, During my blog commenting days, when I did it full bore, this is the strategy I followed to generate 1000's of detailed, genuine comments on Blogging From Paradise: - I read top blogs from the blogging tips and travel blog niche (bloggers from both niches gravitate to my blog) - I...
  13. ryanbiddulph

    Blog Marketing Have You Ever Thought of Spamming in this Fashion?

    Imagine trying to help your mom or dad, husband or wife, brother or sister, child or friend. Picture a stranger jumping between you two and screaming: "HIRE ME!!!" or "BUY MY STUFF!!!" This happens to me often on social media. I publish detailed, targeted, in-depth blogging tips on Facebook...
  14. ryanbiddulph

    Quitting WordPress?

    Tough to say because WP Dot Org is still well ahead of other platforms, said platforms being fathoms below it in support, community and functionality terms. I'd likely choose the most popular platform used by top pros; they know what they're doing so I'll go along with experience.
  15. ryanbiddulph

    General Blogging Do You Know the Difference Between Forcing Things and Sprinting from Blogging Success?

    Recently I visited Chicago for a few days. I loved my time in the Windy City. Before we arrived I did a little research on the neighborhood where we'd be staying to get a feel for it. Chicago, unfortunately, generates some negative national press at times for the sky high crime rate in...
  16. ryanbiddulph

    Should you create a daily writing habit?

    This is true. Setting a daily writing habit also reveals when you are self-sabotaging by running away from skills development, freedom and worldly success versus forcing yourself to get stuff done. Everyone has to figure out this different driver on their own because the 1000's of failing...
  17. ryanbiddulph

    General Blogging 1 Way to Get Blog Post Ideas

    Good job my friend. The ideas are genuinely all around us. We simply train the mind to pluck 'em out of the ethers and act on them to become prolific.
  18. ryanbiddulph

    How I make money with my blog in 2023

    Good job Shawn. Your strategy of publishing detailed blog posts helped to draw quality traffic; each income channel you note allows you to receive the money. I am full bore on only publishing detailed content, mainly to social media, but then publishing genuine blog comments and also adding...
  19. ryanbiddulph

    Do you build a community on social media?

    Most definitely; you do a great job of building a community on Twitter Shawn. As noted, this is not a paste a link and leave strategy. Asking questions, sharing detailed answers and publishing detailed updates form the basis of building a loyal blogging community through social media. Also...
  20. ryanbiddulph

    General Blogging 1 Way to Get Blog Post Ideas

    As you probably know by now, content makes your blog go. Getting blog post ideas is critical to creating content frequently. One way to get more blog post ideas is to practice noticing the environment around you. I decided to snap this featured image from the home where we're house sitting in...