Your favourite topics

I have a few niches I am into myself.

I love writing about blogging. Everything about it, too! I like writing about online community, social media, digital marketing, and SEO.

I also enjoy outdoor recreation topics such as hiking, camping, cycling, and kayaking.

And now that I'm doing daily blogging again, I've enjoyed writing about what it on my mind on a daily basis :)

I'm excited to see the answers of everyone else! :)
I enjoying writing about my experiences with different software as I try them out. I've also done sports-related write-ups that I enjoyed doing before. I've done well with gaming reviews when I did them for a forum I used to have.

Do you dislike any topics? But forced to pen a few articles in those niche?

I've written some articles where I was indifferent to, but didn't dislike when I was part of a content team for another site such as fashion.
Do you dislike any topics? But forced to pen a few articles in those niche?
I haven't done anything I dislike.

I only do specialized freelance writing. Meaning only topics that I have expertise in.

Have you written anything you didn't like writing?
I have worked as a content provider. I got a chance to handle all types of content. From copywriting to blog articles, and ebooks to web content, I handled them all. Was a Team Lead.
I have worked as a content provider. I got a chance to handle all types of content. From copywriting to blog articles, and ebooks to web content, I handled them all. Was a Team Lead.
Did you enjoy that work or would you rather freelance?