Where do you get your blog images?

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Shawn Gossman

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Where do you get your blog images?

Do you buy them? Use free ones?

Feel free to link to where you get them!

Do you just take your own instead?

Do you ever have AI create them for you?
I create them whenever I can. This is not always good because it takes time, a less attractive image and a lot of work, either one or a combination of all 3. But it is easier and comfortable that way as a blogger.
I either use free ones that are available or I generate them using AI.

If it's something simple, I try making it instead.
I either take them or generate them with AI.

Pixabay.com is a good source for free ones.

If it's for my outdoor-related blogs, I'd rather take the photo. I have a nice SLR camera with lenses capable of taking good photos. I try to utilize that camera when possible.