What's your blog SEO routine?

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Shawn Gossman

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How do you integrate search engine optimization into your blog and its content?

Do you have a specific routine you use with every post?

I typically do a routine myself
  1. Decide on the keyword
  2. Research the keyword
  3. Research competing content
  4. Find gaps in competing content to fill
  5. Write the outline (using SEO)
  6. Write each section (using SEO)
  7. Grammarly editing
  8. Final SEO touches
  9. Rate with Yoast
  10. Submit
What's you routine for blog SEO like?
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This is really useful. I’m a novice when it comes to SEO. I have a lot to learn.
I'll have to post how I do SEO for my articles. I'll make that the next article on here :)
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