What cell phone do you have?

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I currently have the iPhone 13 and I’ve had it for a couple of years now. I used to upgrade everytime a new phone came out, but not anymore. I’ll probably get a newer model in another year or two.
iPhone 12 Max Pro here.

I will use a phone until it is dead.

After that, I upgrade to the very latest version and use it until it's dead. :)
This is my motto as well! I used my iPhone 8 until I couldn’t use it anymore. Then I caved in and purchased the 13.
Yep! I also mainly buy based on how good the camera is haha
Pretty much, makes it a lot easier in your pocket! It's basically the size of a Gameboy Advance SP if you remember those!
I think I do.

So that's pretty much the main feature, size right? The folding doesn't do much else?