What are the goals of your blog?

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Shawn Gossman

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Do you have any intentions or overall goals of you blog?

If so, what are they?

How do measure these goals and know when you’re achieving them?
I have (currently) two active blogs.

A personal blog with a goal of just being some place I can write down my thoughts and a news/magazine blog where my goal is to earn money. Not a lot. It’s not that kind of thing. Maybe just an experiment to see if I can.
For your news/magazine blog, in what ways are you looking to earn with?
Ahh. I don’t know. That’s why I joined a site called ‘blogging collective community’. :D
Well you joined the right place :D

I guess it begins with your niche. What’s your niche focusing on?
It's here: TBC - I hope the niche is obvious just from the URL.

I have considered the obvious; which is adsense or an adsense alternative. When we're bigger, I guess sponsored posting would be a thing too. Allow people to promote their games etc. I did consider a store to sell t-shirts, mugs, etc. I think our logo is pretty neat.

And maybe other products.

Affiliate marketing for game keys or subscription TV packages?

But I've never monetised to any great extent previously so I don't know where to begin.
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I always recommend doing a three-part strategy, as I've mentioned before.

(1) Focus a good amount of time on content creation. Create the best and try to solve problems. This is the credential stage, as you'll be creating content attached to your brand to start to grow it's reputation. It's social proof.

(2) After you've filled your blog with valuable content, start marketing it more. Create a newsletter. Create an online community on social media. Advertise. Get the word out about your blog, and it's useful content.

(3) Finally, start focusing on profiting.

For (3), I recommend digital products/services (because they're practically free to make, and you'll get maximum profit). Focus on making products/services that aim to solve major problems and answer tough questions within the niche. Make something people are dying to have, and they'll pay money for it.

I like the idea of t-shirts. Use a print-on-demand service so you're not spending money.

That's my 10 cents :)
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