Repurposing Blog Content for Different Platforms

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Shawn Gossman

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Turning a single blog post into multiple content pieces can maximize reach.

Have you repurposed your blog content for platforms like YouTube, SlideShare, or podcasts?

Share your experiences and strategies!
Usually I convert a blog post into a:

- YouTube video
- Facebook video
- Facebook reel
- YouTube short
- LinkedIn video

But I've pumped the brakes because other tactics bring me a greater return.

However, repurposing is super smart, and I think I need to get back to setting aside an hour or 2 to do this, in addition to other channels.

Thanks for the nudge.
Usually I convert a blog post into a:

- YouTube video
- Facebook video
- Facebook reel
- YouTube short
- LinkedIn video

But I've pumped the brakes because other tactics bring me a greater return.

However, repurposing is super smart, and I think I need to get back to setting aside an hour or 2 to do this, in addition to other channels.

Thanks for the nudge.
Sometimes repurposing can take up a lot of time and it can be difficult but I think it can be very useful in the long run if you're consistent about it.