Trading Quality Comments

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Shawn Gossman

Community Manager
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Looking to get more comments on your blog?

I am, too!

I'm willing to trade/exchange comments on blogs.

I'm looking for serious comments that are of a high-quality nature and engage with an audience. I'll repeat the same. I will not continue if the comments are generic.

If you're interested, send me a PM and lets partner up!
Hi Shawn,

During my blog commenting days, when I did it full bore, this is the strategy I followed to generate 1000's of detailed, genuine comments on Blogging From Paradise:

- I read top blogs from the blogging tips and travel blog niche (bloggers from both niches gravitate to my blog)
- I published 3-4 paragraph, genuine, detailed comments at least once weekly on a high volume of these blogs
- I kept at this strategy for many months

Slowly, but surely, organic, in-depth comments popped up on BFP from bloggers who deeply appreciated the detailed comments I published to their blogs.

Plus, since those comments were purely organic aka passive aka not conditional, every single one of those bloggers wanted to build genuine bonds with me, deeply desired my content, and more than a few bought my eBooks and courses as well as promoting my blog through their marketing arms.