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New member
Hello! I'm a happily married housewife from Michigan, USA who is into eco-friendly, holistic living. I run my own holistic forum. I'm an introvert so tend to delve in deeper issues. I look forward to learning & growing with others here! :)
Welcome to the community :)

Have you ever though to start a blog for holistic living? Something tells me it could get you an audience fairly quickly. That could be a good way to convert them into forum members.
Welcome to the community :)

Have you ever though to start a blog for holistic living? Something tells me it could get you an audience fairly quickly. That could be a good way to convert them into forum members.
I wish I had more time to contribute to blogging. I do write & I include some writings into my forum but to commit to a blog would be too time-consuming at this time. I thank you for the words of encouragement though :)