Is WordPress Still the Best Blogging Platform in 2024? Let’s Discuss!

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Shawn Gossman

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WordPress has been the go-to blogging platform for years, but with so many new options popping up, I’m curious—is it still the best in 2024?

Here’s what I love about WordPress:
  • Flexibility – Tons of plugins and themes to customize your blog however you want.
  • SEO-friendly – With the right setup, it’s easy to rank your posts.
  • Ownership – You own your content, unlike with some other platforms.
But, I’ve also run into some challenges:
  • Tech maintenance – Keeping everything updated and secure can be a hassle.
  • Learning curve – For beginners, it can feel overwhelming at first.
What do you all think? Is WordPress still worth it, or have you found better alternatives? I’d love to hear about your experiences and what platform you’re currently using to run your blog.

Let’s get a good discussion going!