How long does it take you to write a blog post?

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Shawn Gossman

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For me, it varies...

With great focus, I can write a good blog post in a day. That's usually between 1,000 to 3,000 words. I have to create an outline with bullet points before I can do it in one day.

For my larger articles, these are usually 4K+ words, and I'll write on them for two to even seven days at most. I take my time with those, spending a few hours a day writing and editing as I write.

How about you? How long does it typically take you to write a standard blog post for your blog? How about a longer one?
I spend about 2 hours to write, edit, then schedule a 1500 word blog post but only after writing diligently for many years.

I may take a bit more time depending on the topic as posts with more details consume a bit more of my time.

Spending a few days or more for a 4K word post makes sense because publishing high quality, highly-detailed work takes a patient, mindful, long term approach.

Good job.
I spend about 2 hours to write, edit, then schedule a 1500 word blog post but only after writing diligently for many years.

I may take a bit more time depending on the topic as posts with more details consume a bit more of my time.

Spending a few days or more for a 4K word post makes sense because publishing high quality, highly-detailed work takes a patient, mindful, long term approach.

Good job.
If I really focus hard, I can write one in a few hours. But I usually have other stuff fall in my lap during my writing session haha