How have you built backlinks for your blog?

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Shawn Gossman

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What tactics are you using to build backlinks?

What ones have worked? What ones haven't worked?

Are there any tactics that you haven't tried yet but want to try?
Publishing detailed, long-form, targeted content, commenting genuinely on blogs from my niche and guest blogging on blogs from my niche all work well for me Shawn. The key-trick-secret is to be incredibly patient, to relax into the process and to have fun being truly helpful.

What has worked for you?
I like the ideas that you have used to build them. You're right; patience is really important.

What has worked for you?

For me - most of my luck has been with my hiking blog. I've created a guide for hiking in my area with 10 times more information than any other guide created. I keep them updated with the latest (following the update old content strategy).

I've also said yes to ever radio interview, podcast, and public speaking event. Many of them have websites and link to me on there per my request. I have a few .edu backlinks because of that.

But that blog took me about 4 years to get at its level.