Hello. I’m Al.

Welcome to Blogging Collective!

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Neat idea. I had a blogging forum a few years ago called blogboards. I never kept it up.

I’m Al. I have been blogging since 2005. This was my first blog post:

My blog has been through many, many name changes in the 18 years since I started and sometimes it’s been a year or more since I posted. It’s a personal blog. Just my thoughts.

I also just started Geek Gaming - Where gaming and geek culture collide in pixel-perfect harmony. which I think is the coolest domain name EVER. It’s a new project. Looking forward to getting some help on getting established.

So that’s me. Erm, well not completely. I’m Al. 45ish. Father of three. From England. Nice to be here.
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Great to have you here and welcome :)

I too have been blogging for a long time and can’t get enough of it.

And I’ve been running forums for a long time too so I thought why not make a forum about blogging and see where it goes!

Thanks for joining :)
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@_Al Welcome to the forum! Since you blog, have you ever had a diary as well? Do any of your other family members enjoy blogging? Either their own or add in to yours?
I'm not able to view the link to your first blog post. Maybe it can be copied here for others? :)
@_Al Welcome to the forum! Since you blog, have you ever had a diary as well? Do any of your other family members enjoy blogging? Either their own or add in to yours?
I'm not able to view the link to your first blog post. Maybe it can be copied here for others? :)
I have a nasty habit of changing my site URL. Try again. I've fixed it.