Email Subscription

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Are there any reliable, free, email subscription options we can use on our WordPress blog?
Do you mean mailing list services?

I use MailChimp, but in all honesty, I would recommend ConvertKit (soon to be Kit) and choose their Newsletter Plan, which is free, and you can have up to 10,000 subscribers.

Thanks, is it available outside the US? I am looking for a good service that can deliver my blogs to subscribers' inbox.

How is MailChimp, do they have a free plan? I am not expecting a surge in the beginning.

I would recommend ConvertKit (soon to be Kit) and choose their Newsletter Plan, which is free, and you can have up to 10,000 subscribers.

I will check, hope it works with my WordPress blog. :)

After you set it up, I suggest working on a lead magnet.

That is a free offer. Make sure the lead magnet is very valuable. It's funny because you have to offer something free to get people to subscribe to your free newsletter, but I promise you'll get more subscribers that way!

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