Do you want to blog full-time?

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Shawn Gossman

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Blogging full-time would mean that you blog for a living. You'd blog as your main job and form of income.

Most full-time bloggers do have to have one or even a few more supplemental income sources. Many of them have a product or service related to the niche of their blog or offer a paid subscription to a course, newsletter, or membership feature of some sort.

But full-time blogging is possible if you commit to it and use a niche that is both popular and something you're passionate about.

The real question is, do you want to be a full-time blogger, and would you take the risk of going full-time?

Many bloggers don't take the risk. They don't want to leave the safety bubble of going to a 9 to 5 job with benefits and pay. It isn't as easy as it sounds.

What is your answer?
If I could, I would, but it would have to be extremely popular to match my real-world salary. Sadly, blogging shall remain a hobby for me - at least for now.
If I could, I would, but it would have to be extremely popular to match my real-world salary. Sadly, blogging shall remain a hobby for me - at least for now.
It’s always a good way to gain a supplemental income.

And work your way up to making it a full time gig.