Do you delete old posts?

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Shawn Gossman

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How do you feel about deleting old blog posts?

Do you think it's a good practice, if so, why?

Do you think that it's bad and that you should update instead?

I'm curious how everyone feels about this particular subject?
I haven't thought about this, especially since I don't have many posts.

I don't think I would. If the information were outdated, I'd either update it or perhaps add a legacy note and link to something more updated.
I haven't thought about this, especially since I don't have many posts.

I don't think I would. If the information were outdated, I'd either update it or perhaps add a legacy note and link to something more updated.
It's better to either update the old post or delete it in all honesty.

You want to make sure any page or post you have had good content that is up to date.
It's better to either update the old post or delete it in all honesty.

You want to make sure any page or post you have had good content that is up to date.
My focus will be to update, and I don't know if I would have a situation where something is completely wrong that I couldn't.

I suppose having outdated content doesn't do anyone any good and I wouldn't want to confuse and mislead readers. Initially I was thinking of having a separate section for outdated information that some sites have for documentation on their products. But in my case, I'm not the source so it's not warranted.

Might as well create new content :giggle:
I have never deleted a post unless it is absolutely necessary. We can either archive it or edit with an update note.
That's really the way I feel about it.

Someone told me they deleted a post about Google Plus since the service is no longer available.

I wouldn't even do that. Instead, I'd update the post to show what alternative platforms you can visit now that Google Plus is no longer available. I feel like that would be a better option and keep the content alive.