Buy Me a Coffee!

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Shawn Gossman

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Have you ever heard of Buy Me a Coffee?

It's free (they take a percentage of what you earn).

People can give you small to custom donations. You can even provide features to them.

Add a link to each blog post asking for a tip! I usually make around $20 to $100 a blog post and newsletter issue after doing this.

Have you used this or a similar service for this sort of thing?
I've seen this pop up in a few places. Another one I've seen is Ko-Fi.

If my blog gets popular enough, maybe I could try this out.
I've seen this pop up in a few places. Another one I've seen is Ko-Fi.

If my blog gets popular enough, maybe I could try this out.
I'd say get on board now and start adding it to your posts.

That way, once you do grow, the links will be there in case your older content is read and helps someone enough to want to donate to you.