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  1. Shawn Gossman

    Choosing the Right Niche for Your Blog

    Finding the right niche is one of the first and most crucial steps in starting a blog. A well-defined niche helps you attract a specific audience and makes content creation easier. I look for the following when choosing a niche: Passion and Interest: What topics are you passionate about...
  2. Shawn Gossman

    Discovering Your Perfect Blogging Niche

    Finding the right niche for your blog is crucial to building a dedicated audience and establishing your online presence. A niche helps you focus your content, attract a specific audience, and become an expert in that area. Start by identifying your passions, interests, and expertise. Conduct...
  3. Shawn Gossman

    How hard was choosing your blog niche?

    Did you find it difficult to choose your blog niche? Did you go with your passion, or did you go with what was trending? Are you in control of your niche now or struggling at all?
  4. Shawn Gossman

    Niche Pivoting

    A niche pivot is when you take your blog about a specific niche and you the niche to something else. This typically only works with certain blog/brand names, such as your real name being used as a blog name. I've pivoted from a personal anything-goes blog to what it is today...
  5. Shawn Gossman

    Did you choose the right blog niche?

    How do you know if you've chosen the best niche to create a blog? What factors have you considered when choosing your niche? Many of us choose it based on a hobby, interest, or passion we hold. But is that enough? Are you researching to see if there is an active audience for your chosen...