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  1. _Al

    Could you blog every day for 30 days?

    I've done this twice and it broke me. Both times it was to get back into it and it left me defeated and not wanting to blog again.
  2. _Al

    Content Optimization Tips

    Those are interesting questions. If the information remains the same does that not show some longevity and consistency for SEO purposes?
  3. _Al

    Blog Ring?

    Perhaps something which would help generate some activity on Blogging Collective and also benefit members who wish to take part. Let's consider (with Shawn's blessing) a blog ring for Blogging Collective members. Members of the blog ring all include a link to each other's blogs on their own...
  4. _Al

    Do you have a personal blog?

    Okay, okay, you win. I've posted. And updated the structure. I figured I have loads of gaming sites so I don't really want this to be the focus of my personal blog: OldGamr
  5. _Al

    Should you attach a forum to your blog?

    Continuing a conversation started here: REVIEW - 40K Games I have (quickly counts) loads of blogs. Pretty much all in a gaming niche. My question is, will a forum help in promoting a blog? Are forums SEO goldmines or are they ignored? I read somewhere that user-created content (i.e. forums) are...
  6. _Al

    Should you space out the publication of your articles?

    My entirely unscientific approach is to put as much content out as possible initially in order to please the search engine gods. And then, when established settle into a routine so that readers know when you're going to post new content.
  7. _Al

    40K Games

    Each one is linked to a long form post about that game. Maybe I need to change the game title into a link also. The link is currently at the end of each row.
  8. _Al

    40K Games

    I have considered it. Especially now that I've completed the Games List meaning it's just going to be news from now on. And new releases. Perhaps a small forum is the next step in the evolution. Forums is where I started with websites (way back in 2003!).
  9. _Al

    40K Games

    I wish I had the fine control required to paint. I don't. Thanks for the kind comment. I'm working on another 40K site too. Coming "soon".
  10. _Al

    40K Games

    This is something I've been working on - off and on - since November last year. It's a bit of a passion project and not intended to be monetized. Welcome to 40K Games. (Warhammer 40K Games - News, reviews and opinion.) In the abyss of the Warhammer 40,000 universe...
  11. _Al

    Eat Sleep Game Repeat

    A lot has happened since my last update here. Eat Sleep Game Repeat continues to pump out content. We're now sitting on 280 gaming related posts. The forum has taken a back seat and I am actually considering whether to keep it running or just close it and focus on the blog side of things. We...
  12. _Al

    Blogging Collective is Now Re-Opened!

    Its good to see the old girl open once more.
  13. _Al

    Do you have a personal blog?

    Mine is OldGamr but I have not written anything since February! In fact, the recent activity has been negligible. It's been running since 2005 though so I should maybe make more of an effort.
  14. _Al

    Does blog SEO matter to you?

    I've paid it some mind as I feel it's important to have irons in all the fires (and fingers in all the pies). But, as @ryanbiddulph suggests, social media is going to be the most obvious source of traffic. Right now I am just building up content, publishing links to Facebook and chatting as...
  15. _Al

    Is Wikipedia good for backlinks?

    I was writing an article earlier about a game developer called Peter Molyneux. If you don’t know the name you’ll know games like Populous, Dungeon Keeper & Theme Park. Whilst researching I had a look at his Wiki page. There was no mention of this new game so I finished my article and then edited...
  16. _Al

    Eat Sleep Game Repeat

    I've made a start on YouTube videos now. Initially, it will be game trailers but then we plan to do gameplay walkthroughs, guides, maybe reviews, casts, streams etc. Here's the first couple I put together:
  17. _Al

    Eat Sleep Game Repeat

    Therein lies the million dollar question, and explains my presence on these very boards to converse with subject matter experts such as yourself and @Shawn Gossman . We have been 'open' since 25th of September. Some of the content precedes that date as it was merged in from two other blogs that...
  18. _Al

    Hello All

    Hello Ryan. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance.
  19. _Al

    Eat Sleep Game Repeat

    We have stuck a small forum behind the blog. It seems like a good way to establish loyalty to the site. It’s at a diff URL; I don’t know why other than I liked it: Eventually the styles will be unified and we have someone working on a wp2xf plug in which will not only send new blog...
  20. _Al

    Eat Sleep Game Repeat

    Significant amounts of blood, sweat, tears, passionate outbursts, and the occasional expletive have been poured into the creation of this. It's the gateway to a new gaming sanctuary: Eat Sleep Game Repeat - Gaming News - Reviews - Guides - Community - Merch What do you think?