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  1. Shawn Gossman

    Social media and blogging success?

    How have you made social media work for your blog?
  2. Shawn Gossman

    Improvement areas on your blog?

    What areas do you feel like you need to improve on your own blog(s)? What would it take for the areas to be as good as you want them to be?
  3. Shawn Gossman

    Just Married!

    Very well :)
  4. Shawn Gossman

    Best WordPress Alternative?

    I will :) I just need to figure out a topic to write about haha
  5. Shawn Gossman

    Would you pay to be a part of an online community?

    I think there is what's important for a paid community. Unique things that you can't find anywhere else.
  6. Shawn Gossman

    Just Married!

    The party was at Cades Cove in the Great Smoky Mountains about a week ago! :P
  7. Shawn Gossman

    Quality Content will never change...

    Out of all the algorithm changes search engines will go with, quality content is a factor that will never change. Does anyone disagree? I mean, I think as long as we write the best content we can, we'll do better in search. What do you think?
  8. Shawn Gossman

    Blog Monetization A Three-Year Blogging Strategy: From Content Creation to Profit

    Blogging can be a rewarding venture, but it requires patience, persistence, and a well-thought-out strategy. A three-year plan offers a structured approach to building a successful blog, focusing on content creation in the first year, marketing in the second year, and monetization in the third...
  9. Shawn Gossman

    Blogging is a loooooong game!

    Do you agree that blogging takes a while in order to be successful at any outcomes you wish to gain from it? Vote in the poll and reply!
  10. Shawn Gossman

    Buying and selling blogs

    What are your thoughts on buying and/or selling blogs? I've been maintaining a cycling blog for quite some time, now. My plan is to effectively sell the blog at some point. Right now, I'm focusing on building up the content and readership. I've never really been in the blog selling business...
  11. Shawn Gossman

    Would you pay to be a part of an online community?

    Got a good story for this? :)
  12. Shawn Gossman

    Best WordPress Alternative?

    I might have to give it a shot to see what it's all about.
  13. Shawn Gossman

    Do you delete old posts?

    That's really the way I feel about it. Someone told me they deleted a post about Google Plus since the service is no longer available. I wouldn't even do that. Instead, I'd update the post to show what alternative platforms you can visit now that Google Plus is no longer available. I feel like...
  14. Shawn Gossman

    Blogging Burnout

    Have you ever suffered from blogging burnout? How did you overcome it? How long did it last? Did it effectively hurt your blog or blogging strategy at all?
  15. Shawn Gossman

    Just Married!

    Got married on August 15th. Celebrated my 40th birthday the next day by driving 7 hours to the Great Smoky Mountains. Now I'm back!
  16. Shawn Gossman

    Blogging Full-Time Money Needs?

    How much would you need to make in order to be comfortable with blogging full-time as your main career? Now really think about this question before answering it. Try not to consider wealth and riches when deciding on your number. Rather think about your current spending and bills. You don't...
  17. Shawn Gossman

    Do you delete old posts?

    That's good too as long as you don't target a keyword from older content.
  18. Shawn Gossman

    Content Ideas: How to Keep Your Blog Fresh and Engaging

    Nice ideas. You can always make the same posts as them if you feel like you can write a better one, too. It's good to compete with other content as a blogger.
  19. Shawn Gossman

    Best WordPress Alternative?

    Have you ever used Ghost @meetdilip ?
  20. Shawn Gossman

    How do you feel about messing up your consistency?

    I'll admit it. I've slacked on staying ahead with my current blogs. I was able to schedule a post for one of them to post today but I missed the other two. I'll miss all three of them next week. I'm getting married tomorrow and then going to the Smoky Mountains for a week. I can't wait but...