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  1. ryanbiddulph

    Hello All

    Great to meet you fellow bloggers.
  2. ryanbiddulph

    How much sleep do you get?

    4 to 6 to 8, usually. The amount varies based on my travels. For example, we flew from Bangkok to NYC 2 weeks ago and one of the flights was a little under 14 hours, from Abu Dhabi to NYC. I stayed awake for 40 hours but slept soundly for 8, from 9 PM to 5 AM, when we landed in NYC. Other...
  3. ryanbiddulph

    Working while tired

    Wise words here my friend. I train my mind, do yoga, meditate and hike on a daily basis to stay sharp, mentally, which allows me to remain energized and calm for blogging work, and also, to know when to take breaks.
  4. ryanbiddulph

    Travel Hiking with Shawn

    Fabulous looking blog and it is 100% up my alley. I hike daily, whenever we are in or close to natural areas. Great job Shawn.
  5. ryanbiddulph

    Eat Sleep Game Repeat

    Fabulous looking site. Great job. Onsite, you are set. What are you doing offsite to drive high quality, laser-pinpointed targeted onsite my friend?
  6. ryanbiddulph

    What's stopping you from becoming a full-time blogger?

    Excellent questions my friend because each unearths the mental blocks / fears / limiting beliefs all need to face, feel and forgive in order to take the specific actions to go pro. Not always comfortable but necessary and freeing 100% of the time.
  7. ryanbiddulph

    Best social media platform for blogging?

    Publishing targeted, detailed tweets and engaging on the platform works well on Twitter. Publishing highly-detailed updates to targeted Facebook Groups and LinkedIn Groups works for those platforms. I create and publish text-based content, largely, which promotes what I know and draws targeted...
  8. ryanbiddulph

    Google E-A-T

    Mainly, I focus on the process of publishing detailed, targeted content and building strong bonds with successful bloggers from my niche. From there, focusing on these basics can satiate Google's EAT policy because the details, the work, the targeted service, can satisfy the Expertise, authority...
  9. ryanbiddulph

    How have you built backlinks for your blog?

    Publishing detailed, long-form, targeted content, commenting genuinely on blogs from my niche and guest blogging on blogs from my niche all work well for me Shawn. The key-trick-secret is to be incredibly patient, to relax into the process and to have fun being truly helpful. What has worked...
  10. ryanbiddulph

    Should you create a daily writing habit?

    Following a daily writing habit is the most direct, simplest way to become confident and clear as a blogger. As noted, there is no need to actually publish blog posts daily but at least write online, here on this forum, via social media or even offline if it feels right.
  11. ryanbiddulph

    Help make Blogging Collective awesome!

    Happy to spread the word on this board my friend.