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  1. meetdilip

    Tips for Increasing Ad Revenue on Your Blog

    Google Adsense is the most stable of them all. I tried different options and over the years nothing beats Adsense. I know they can be annoying and sometimes highly procedural. But it is less headache compared to many other options.
  2. meetdilip

    Crafting an Effective Affiliate Marketing Strategy for Your Blog

    I had a gadget blog which helped me with this kind of monetisation. I was more content-oriented and income was an added bonus. Provide useful content and ask your readers to support you. I do not see any reason they won't.
  3. meetdilip

    Blogging Collective is Now Re-Opened!

    Can't miss a forum like this one Shawn. Gold mine! 👑
  4. meetdilip

    Blogging Collective is Now Re-Opened!

    I am glad you did. Hope to get back into the blogging train soon ;)