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  1. meetdilip

    Is blogging dead?

    Dead? No, definitely got hard. A lot of competition too. I mostly get answers from one blog or another when I try Google.
  2. meetdilip

    Should you space out the publication of your articles?

    The kind of content I handle, smaller posts works well. I agree. If you are going to write a 3k word blog every day, you will definitely end up with a doctor in no time.
  3. meetdilip

    Should you space out the publication of your articles?

    I agree. One a day max. I used to cover 7 x 500 words though, per day.
  4. meetdilip

    Should you space out the publication of your articles?

    I try to. It is not wise to post them all in one go. For me, it causes burnout.
  5. meetdilip

    Email Subscription

    It's tech and gadgets :)
  6. meetdilip

    Email Subscription

    Other than ebooks, what will be a good choice for a lead magnet?
  7. meetdilip

    Email Subscription

    I have created ebooks as a Lead magnet before. Thanks for the idea. I didn't think of doing it this time :)
  8. meetdilip

    Email Subscription

    Hi, I created an account in ConvertKit, but not sure how to add it on my WordPress blog. Do we use a plugin? What is the process? Edit : Got it - How to set up the ConvertKit plugin on your WordPress website | ConvertKit Help Center
  9. meetdilip

    Email Subscription

    Thanks, is it available outside the US? I am looking for a good service that can deliver my blogs to subscribers' inbox. How is MailChimp, do they have a free plan? I am not expecting a surge in the beginning. I will check, hope it works with my WordPress blog. :)
  10. meetdilip

    Word of mouth

    Using your connections is a good thing. It helps gain traction when other methods fail. It has a lot of credibility too. Only thing that matters is don't feed the content to the wrong type of audience.
  11. meetdilip

    Email Subscription

    Are there any reliable, free, email subscription options we can use on our WordPress blog?
  12. meetdilip

    Hobby Blogging

    Unless you understand it well, it is hard to dominate the scene. Especially when the internet is so bullish and highly competitive. I have seen a lot of bloggers try niche they have no passion about. They struggle a lot when something goes wrong and do not understand the pulse of the target...
  13. meetdilip

    Tips for Increasing Ad Revenue on Your Blog

    100% true. You get to keep the full amount, you get to decide the terms, you have the advantage of keeping the relationship healthy.
  14. meetdilip

    Word of mouth

    I agree! Personal recommendations are invaluable. The chain goes long and long especially through likes and share on social media.
  15. meetdilip

    Making Your Blog Mobile-Friendly

    Does AMP help much these days? I do not see people using the same enthusiasm as before. Can you tell a bit about it?
  16. meetdilip

    Hobby Blogging

    Are you a hobby blogger? How are you doing compared to professional bloggers?
  17. meetdilip

    Tips for Increasing Ad Revenue on Your Blog

    One leaderboard banner, one banner below the sidebar. Nothing more. That is the maximum I would go any time.
  18. meetdilip

    Word of mouth

    I keep my personal and professional life separate. I never promote my sites on personal profiles. I use them to wish and greet, nothing more. But I have friends who are not from the real life. I have been online on different platforms for years now. There are a number of good friends who...
  19. meetdilip

    Making Your Blog Mobile-Friendly

    Are there any plugins that are not? I stick with WordPress and it works for me. Almost all plugins I used respect the responsive nature of WordPress.