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  1. meetdilip

    Social media and blogging success?

    I need to get myself a tool or a plugin to handle that. Currently that is too much of a work.
  2. meetdilip

    Social media and blogging success?

    Sharing on social media is important. Cultivate a fan base and you are good to go.
  3. meetdilip

    Just Married!

    Hope it went well :)
  4. meetdilip

    Just Married!

    That's great news, Shawn. When is the party? ;)
  5. meetdilip

    Best WordPress Alternative?

    Do share you experience. :)
  6. meetdilip

    Would you pay to be a part of an online community?

    Not like a story, but people feel insulted sometimes. For example in a newpaper site, I read half the story and they asked money to read more. I am ok to pay if I was dying for rest. The content was available elsewhere and the quality of writing was not great either.
  7. meetdilip

    Do you delete old posts?

    I have never deleted a post unless it is absolutely necessary. We can either archive it or edit with an update note.
  8. meetdilip

    Best WordPress Alternative?

    Only once. Years ago. Haven't tried recently.
  9. meetdilip

    Would you pay to be a part of an online community?

    As long as you can generate demand, premium content is fine. I have seen it backfire though.
  10. meetdilip

    Do bloggers rely too much on search?

    That is because organic traffic when available is easy, inexpensive and lasts for a long time.
  11. meetdilip

    Your favourite topics

    Both are different. A regular salaried job has its perks :)
  12. meetdilip

    Your favourite topics

    I have worked as a content provider. I got a chance to handle all types of content. From copywriting to blog articles, and ebooks to web content, I handled them all. Was a Team Lead.
  13. meetdilip

    Your favourite topics

    A lot :D
  14. meetdilip

    Your favourite topics

    Do you dislike any topics? But forced to pen a few articles in those niche?
  15. meetdilip

    Would you pay to be a part of an online community?

    I have no issues paying to anything that is useful to me. Provided the prices are not insane.
  16. meetdilip

    Implementing a Membership Model for Steady Income

    I never discriminate between my visitors. If you are on my blog, you get everything I have publised In return, I will get more impressions and traffic.
  17. meetdilip

    How many times do you mention your keywords?

    I do it organically. I never fell to those " tips ". I always try to keep it as readable as possible.
  18. meetdilip

    Your favourite topics

    What do you like to write about? What are you really good at?
  19. meetdilip

    Moving domains...

    It's easy. Move files and add DB. You need to update the config too.
  20. meetdilip

    Content Optimization Tips

    I keep the original date and add info on top that this article was update on..